Saturday, 3 October 2009

Wake Up Sid....... Nice with a capital 'N'

i pledge to watch all the movies of Ranbir Kapoor. And Konkona Sen Sharma also, maybe.

They are both rocking in this sweet, little movie. Fresh, vibrant, hip, cool, Wake Up Sid is all this and more.

i watched it with Ma and Pa at PVR. They loved it too because long after the movie got over, we were still talking about it. Pa even wanted to watch it again. Coming from Pa, this really meant that the movie is truly watch-worthy. i don't know why people felt it was slow and boring. It is such a heartfelt and cute little movie.

The movie begins with Ranbir trying to study for his exams the next morning. And it sets the tone for the movie. As the film progresses, you completely relate with the situations, characters and the over all plot. i did, totally.

Sid's lack of purpose in life, his angst, partly unhealthy relations with his parents, his prodigal ways, his immature ways are all justified. How he finally becomes a man from a boy and discovers love sums it up dazzlingly. Don't mistake it for Lakshya because the film is not about aimless youths. It is about taking cues from life and making the best out of the given situations.

The performances are perfect, just as the role demands. No dramatisation, no overreactions. That's why this one is so close to your heart, it just reflects your own life. Konkona doesn't need any laurels. She is just too perfect in any role you put her into. Surprisingly and refreshingly, it is a rather odd pairing with Ranbir but it gives the movie that dash of reality and appeal. Anupam Kher and Supriya Pathak are unbelievably perfect. Ditto for Kashmira Shah and Rahul Khanna, he is been doing this small roles and shining through. Somebody, give him something big and his own, he'll definitely brighten it up. The friends of Sid are too cool. The 'healthy' girl and the meek guy are too adorable.

The music just about does justice to the movie. Iktaara is amazing. i wanted it to have another para but then it is asking for more, maybe. The best lyrics, as if they are speaking your mind. All the other songs are melodious too. i somehow feel that it could have been a tad bit better. Nice, though.

The photography is fantastic. You know, even i have a picture of feet against a water body of Mumbai. i told you, this is just a chapter from your life. The setting, specially the Mumbai Beat office is dhaansu. Clothes - fantastic, of course, it is Manish Malhotra. He knows how to hide the physical flaws of Konkona and Ranbir's t-shirts are so cute. The dialogues are perfect. Actually, i am running out of words to describe the movie or maybe i am getting repetitive. But i cannot finish it before giving the director his due credit. Young and smart, expectations have risen from you. The first baby is brilliant. Please live up to it, the next time over.

Over all, it is fantastic. Highly recommended. Must-watch actually. You'll start taking life lightly after this one.