Wednesday 11 November, 2009

Jerry Mcguire - My favourite

i have the DVD of this movie. And today when i watched it again, i was floored again. By the simplicity of the characters, the confrontation with realism, the mission statement and the importance of love.

i am not going to analyse the movie, judge it or make an opinion about it. am just gonna describe how it makes me feel and talk about the parts i loved, not in the order of its appearance.

* The dialogue that Jerry makes when he comes back, looking for his wife. "Tonight was a big night for our company, our little project. But it wasn't complete because i couldn't share it with you, i couldn't hear your voice...You complete me." So thoroughly from the heart.

* "If this is empty, this doesn't matter." Talking about the difference of heart and head.

* i love the way Dorothy conveys her not-okness with their marriage. "It's my fault. i thought the proposal by the car was for real....i have this great guy, who loves my kid, sure does like me a lot and i cannot live like this. i am not built that way."....i had thought my love would be enough for both of us, but it is not" The maturity that she shows by taking responsibility for the debilitating marriage and the steps she takes to rectify it just give you another lesson on love. Wow, your heart just goes out to her. Instead of carrying on silently or fighting for her rightful position, she thinks ahead and does what is right. Kudos.

* The talk between Rod and Jerry about Rod's football performance. Jerry says, "Can i say something to you as a "friend"? You know why you haven't got your Arizona dollar contract because you play with your head not your heart. It's always about who didn't talk with you, what are you not endorsing, how is everybody behaving with you. And it shows on the field. And people don't like to see that. When you are on the field, just play with all you have. Then you'll have the kwan"

* Rod pinching Jerry about his personal relationships. The way he understands and sees the tension between Jerry and Dorothy's relationship is intelligent. Here is this footballer who is not in the prime of his career, but has such a clear understanding about human relationships.

* Jerry's good at friendship, bad at intimacy nature. He can't stay on his own and he finds it difficult to accept it. So real.

* Ray's unbeatable did you knows. "Did you know that the human brain weighs 8 ounces". Sweet. That little man takes your heart away.

* The first 'You complete me' in the elevator.

* Haa...funny thing, when Rod appears on the TV screen of Monday Night Football, his young son says, "that's my Mo_ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ _" So literal. :) His mother of course, tells him very politely not to use that word.

* What is interesting about the last scene is that Jerry and Dorothy aren't shown kissing or stuff. The realisation that love exists between them is truly the beginning.

* Rod saying, "i am not going to cry on your show.....i am missing out on somebody. Jerry Mcguire, my agent. Man, you are my ambassador of Kwan."

* "Less clients, less money, more personal attention."

* Show me the money and kwan

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